psychology in movement
Psychologist, Non-formal education trainer,
gestalt experiental psychotherapy student, contact improvisation dancer and founder of Moave - psychology in movement organization.
Her first work as a trainer and psychologist was orientated toward group dynamic processes, where the focus was on personal development.
After establishing Moave organization, her focus shifted to more somatic and movement orientated practices (such as contact improvisation dance, body expression, body awareness, stress management, somatic work principles etc.) that link the bridge between seemingly separated body and mind.
Individually she is working with international volunteers and individuals who want to reawaken their body-mind connections. She is using somatic and body orientated approaches and combining methods of movement, dance and psychology theories in her workshops and trainings, in order to light the awareness of our everyday functioning and behavior, mental and physical strategies we use in everyday life and their linked connection to our relationships. One of her program is called Psychology in movement that is focused on psychological theories present inside relationships (such as attachment theory, archetypal behavioral strategies etc.) and somatic reactions and symptoms connected to it.
On the field of non-formal education, she is a member of the National Agency of Slovenia pool of trainers for Erasmus+ programs and activities. Since many years she has also been cooperating with NGO on the field of youth work in Slovenia, by organizing and leading workshops for potential seeking, raising employability competences, emotional intelligence, team building activities, stress-related topics etc.
She is the main organiser, program manager and facilitator in Moave organization, leading workshops and organizing events in Slovenia and in Europe.
Špela Nayeli is currently working as a psychologist in Center for mental health in Health Center Trbovlje, where she is working with adults with variety of mental health issues.
My story
"In my childhood, I was playing handball for 13 years, started at the age of 8. And for those 13 years, it was all I needed. It was not about the sport, it was my way of life, my only dream, intense purpose and unforgettable joy. It thought me more about Life than any school ever did. About failure, focus, dedication, inspiration, motivation, group work, loss, rehabilitation and mostly about psychology. It showed me where I fit in life and where does Life fit in me. It also showed me how much I enjoy sharing life with dedicated excitement and shared joy with others. I have always been a team player and still am.
I am so grateful that I was growing up with this feeling of exploring my inner passion and living each day perusing what excited me. Cos what excited me gave my life huge meaning. This still remains my guide through life.
After a knee injury that stopped my focus on sport for one year, I started to discover there is more to life than what I am daily experiencing. I deciding to end my career as a handball player and focus on the studies of psychology. After years of not being really active in any movement practice, suddenly my body started calling me back. I started to explore different movement activities (dance, theatre, acro yoga, body awareness workshops, everyday exploration of movement in my room :) etc. This was the beginning of finding a mix between movement and psychology and therefore, finding my way of work and life purpose.
Meeting Contact Improvisation dance in 2015, changed the direction of my future. I have started to experience again that state of bliss, a state of playfulness that I have been missing so much. I felt home in my body and in the movement that was introduced to me. This made me realize that it was never about a particular sport, but about the movement itself and how alive it makes me feel. It was about expressing myself not only through words and thoughts but mostly through the body.
Body became my communication tool, not only with others but mostly with myself.
It is increasingly joyful for me to experience creativity through movement and witness personal processes unfolding when I hold space for my clients.
What a pure joy. "
Nayeli Špela
What others say about my work...
"Nayeline delavnica me vedno znova z nepričakovano mehkobo povabi nazaj k meni sami. Nayeli ima ta redek dar, da že s svojo energijo in prezenco v prostoru intuitivno začuti in vzpostavi varen prostor za vse udeležence. Tako vzpostavljen občutek varnosti, ki ga ponavadi doživim kot neko globoko olajšanje, kot dovoljenje, da lahko sem kar v svojem bistvu zares sem, kot neskončna milina neke pozabljene notranje mehkobe ; ti občutki mi omogočijo, da sem lahko popolnoma v tu in zdaj, da lahko v polnosti doživim tisto, kar v tistem trenutku prihaja na dan oz. je takrat prisotno v meni. Po delavnici je bil vedno prisoten občutek nežnosti, nekeneopisljive ganjenosti in mehkobe, ter občutek globjega miru oz. nekakšne pomiritve same s sabo. Kot da bi se po dolgem času zopet srečala s tistimi deli sebe, ki so najbolj zakriti in zakopani, sedaj pa jih lahko zopet vidim jasno, jih držim v naročju in sem jim bolj zmožna dati pozornost, ki jo potrebujejo."
Nina Trebec
"Srečanja so vodena z modrostjo, strokovnostjo, iskrenostjo, sočutjem. So oaza, pribežališče v svetu hitenja, ko grejo občutki mimo nas. Naučil sem se poslušati sebe, razumeti svoje odzive, jih sprejeti, in izraziti svoje potrebe." - Darko
"Ne veš, dokler ne poskusiš. To je bila moja misel, ko sem se prijavil. Poskusil sem, zdaj pa lahko rečem, da mi ni žal. Še več, hvaležen sem. Stik s telesom, stik s zgodbo, ki ti jo razlagajo telo, srce in um, raziskovanje teh razlik in oblikovanje odnosa do različnih delov sebe… To in še več sem pridobil. Jasnost in nov pogled na odnose, na bližino, na dotik, na komunikacijo. Ljudje smo družabna bitja in si želimo stika. Naučil sem se vzpostaviti ta stik na nov način. Pa Nayeli, srce srečanj. Nežno in blago, a globoko. Ja, tako je bilo to. " - Matjaž Jevšnik
"Že nekaj let obiskujem klasično psihoterapijo, kjer sem se naučila govoriti o svojih čustvih in miselno predelovati notranje stiske. Zato sem tudi pri Špeli pričakovala pogovor in morebiti kakšno naključno spoznanje. Vendar Špela je že na začetku najinega srečanja presegla vsa moja pričakovanja in me s tankočutno izkušenostjo popeljala v notranji svet, za katerega sploh nisem vedela, da obstaja. V harmoniji popolnega zaupanja sem odkrivala nova doživetja lastnega telesa, vizualizirala svoja čustva in se sprehajala po razgibani pokrajini lastnih prepričanj. Kot pravi notranji kompas me je varno vodila po nepojmljivih občutkih, ki mi jih je približala na meni razumljiv način. S srečanja sem odšla s čudovito izkušnjo in z novim znanjem, kako poiskati stabilnost ter notranji mir v stresnih trenutkih. Špela mi je dala dragocen vpogled v nove svetove, ki so globoko zaznamovali moje videnje psihe in duha. Priporočam vsem, ki verjamejo, da obstaja nekaj onkraj te otipljive realnosti." - Azra Češek Mujkanović
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